Organisational Behaviour Assignment
Que -2 Performance of employees at the workplace depends on their personality traits. Describe the five major traits that most researchers agree upon and explain how they lead to meaningful workplace behaviour. (10 Marks)
Answer: –
Introduction –
A personality trait is defined as something about a person that impacts how they tend to think, feel and behave on an ongoing basis. Personality traits as habitual individual differences in behaviour, thought, and emotion.
Five higher order personality traits:
1) Openness –
Openness is defined as the tendency to appreciate new art, ideas, values, feelings, and behaviours. It refers to the degree to which a person seeks new experiences and thinks creatively about the future.
Openness: Is imaginative
Appreciates art and beauty
Values and respects others emotions
Is curious
Is open to change
Are open to new experiences, ideas and learning in various situations.
Are creative and passionate people.
Have a tendency to appreciate different values, feelings and behaviours.
Appreciate innovativeness
This trait can help managers and leaders understand people better.
2) Conscientiousness –
It refers to the goal-orientation of an individual. In other words,
it refers to the degree to which a person:
Feels capable of achieving goals
Is organised
Is reliable and possesses a drive for success
Is an effective thinker and focuses on completing tasks
People have high levels of integrity.
Generally, very cautious and self-disciplined
Are goal-oriented and methodical in their work.
Prefers to follow rules and regulations
Not impulsive at all
Research shows that individuals with high levels of conscientious ness perform better in most jobs and are effective team players.
3) Extraversion –
Some of the major psychologists involved in the research of this trait include Carl Jung, Hans Eysenck and Raymond Cattel. It is a degree to which a person:
Enjoys being with others
Is warm to others
Opens up in a group setting
Stays cheerful and likes excitement
Maintains a vigorous pace
Enjoying socialising and interact with people.
Are usually talkative and do not prefer to be alone for a long time
They are warm, assertive and excitement seeking individuals
They are usually the centre of attention at social gatherings
Perks of being an extrovert
Amazing at small talk
Great leader
Life of The Party: Good at adapting to situations.
Outgoing and Ambitious
Big Social Circles
Magic skill of bringing all the people together
4) Agreeableness –
It refers to the extent to which a person is outgoing and tolerant. In other words, It is a degree to which a person:
Is honest and straightforward
Believes in the honesty of others
Is helpful
Tends to yield under pressure
Exhibits humility and sensitivity to others
These individuals adjust in any situation& face any form of changes in their lives with a smile.
They have a tendency to agree and accept the thoughts of others rather than being assertive of their own thoughts and opinions.
They are straightforward, trustworthy, compliant and modest in their outlook to others. Very accommodating and are always ready to help others.
Agreeableness is especially important in jobs where team work is involved.
5) Neuroticism or Emotional Stability –
It relates to how a person reacts in a stressful
or demanding situation. Following are features of a person:
Is relaxed and capable of handling stressful situations
Maintains calm and does not exhibit anger
Becomes embarrassed and discouraged
Handles difficult situations
This relates to the Emotional Stability of an individual
People with high Neuroticism have a tendency of negative attitude and thought process.
Generally, not great at coping with life challenges individuals
Might suffer from depression and anxiety
Usual traits angry, impulsive, emotionally reactive, vulnerable, and stressed.
Emotional stability is important in all levels of jobs in an organisation.
According to the trait theory, learning is perpetual in nature, and it brings changes in the personality of an individual from one time to another. Moreover, it attempts to establish a relationship between a set of personality characteristics and the behaviour of an individual. This theory is descriptive in nature, and it elaborates the traits and characteristics of an individual. However, the theory lacks an analytical framework,because it does not elaborate the reason why and how particular traits affect an individual’s personality.
All above details explains why we need focus on personality traits of the
person while hiring them for doing out work. As the way they respond to particular situation defines a lot about their working strategy and thereby profit and loss to the organization. Like, we should think twice before hiring a person with neuroticism and try to hire people with good personality for driving our business to success.
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